Payments 101 Education Webinar Series
This four-part webinar education series designed to help you get the facts about the payments industry, from learning about the different types of payment solutions, the pros and cons of each, to choosing the right solution for you. No matter where you are in your journey, we’ll be your Payments Sherpa to help guide you through every turn.
Session 1: Payments 101
Every time an electronic payment transaction occurs (so quick and easy on the surface), that single transaction is a drop in a massive ocean that involves a variety of companies to make that possible. In this session, learn about the entities involved, what they do, and where SaaS companies like yours fit in that ecosystem.
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Session 2: Compliance 101
A critical consideration in the world of payments is always compliance. Join our compliance experts as we discuss the range of variables that apply to different payment models and players in the ecosystem.
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Session 3: Underwriting & Risk 101
Learn the latest information and emerging trends shaping risk mitigation as a payment facilitator from our underwriting veterans. We will discuss underwriting, transaction monitoring, chargeback control and more.
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Session 4: Deconstructing the Cost of Becoming a Payment Facilitator
Being a payment facilitator has many touted benefits: you bring payments in-house, you get more revenue, and more control over the merchant experience. However there has been quite a bit of fear-mongering about the investment. We’re going to debunk some common myths (and fears) about becoming a payment facilitator so you can have all the facts to determine whether becoming a PF is right for you.
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