Life is good
Picture this … you’ve been providing POS tools and services to restaurants for over 40 years. In that time, you’ve set up more than 500,000 terminals in over 110 countries around the world. Close to 100,000 merchants rely on your solutions daily for everything from taking orders to managing inventory to scheduling shifts.
Big challenge
But your customers are often frustrated by the payments experience. Between complex pricing, hidden fees, and unsupportive support teams, payments are a constant struggle. You send out an RFP to find a better solution, but all that leads to is a contract with an inexpensive payment platform that creates more problems than it solves. You’re back to square one, again.
Help arrives
So, you turn to Infinicept. Our seasoned experts guide you through building a payment ecosystem strategy that’s a perfect fit for the unique needs of the restaurant industry. And since we already had all the processes and integrations in place, you’re able to launch your embedded payments offering in under 100 days.
Life is even better
Now, you’ve got a payments platform that delivers the transparency and technology your customers expect. From security to support, it’s a better payment experience for everyone. And since your U.S. embedded payments launch went so well, you’re already planning an international expansion. That’s what happens when you get payments going your way.
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